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what you can do with your stealth scouting camera and how th
Update Time :2014-10-21 18:51 View :
Let’s take a look at what you can do with stealth scouting camera and how they can make you a better deer hunter or manager on a certain parcel of property.
  • Pattern the overall deer movement on any parcel of property. This will allow the deer hunter to study how the deer are using the property. This information will pin-point where and when deer are sighted at particular areas within the property boundaries. Deer don’t always behave the way one thinks. A scouting camera will quickly show the “wheres” and “whens” of the deer movement.
  • The hunter will be able to pattern an individual buck. A hunter could be fortunate to learn that a trophy buck is within the boundaries of the property he is hunting, and the scouting camera will help him locate the best location to set up an ambush site. stealth scouting camera can act as a great motivational tool when the hours on stand can start to wear on the hunter. Once the hunter captures a trophy class buck on film it’s almost as good as actually shooting one with a bow or gun. An actual documented sighting will be a great inspirational tool for any deer hunter to stick it out, even under the worst of conditions. When the hunter knows for certain that the area has a great buck he will have a better attitude and a lot more perseverance to wait it out for that trophy animal.
  • A stealth scouting camera can take the guess work out of the equation stating what is actually out there on the property. The scouting camera will tell the hunter about the quantity and quality of the deer on the property- good or bad. The hunter will learn if he should wait it out for the big bruiser. On the other hand may learn that his area does not support the quality bucks he expected. In that case, the deer hunter can decide to hunt elsewhere, or elect to lower his expectations as a quick fix for the current season. Optionally he may decide to implement a deer management program that will be a long term investment for future seasons.
The hunter will have a good indication for the buck to doe ratio and the age structure of the bucks. If desired, the user can perform a more formal survey that actually determines, to a very high degree of accuracy the precise deer numbers   per square mile on a property.
  • These cameras are an excellent tool for a wildlife biologist to study deer behavior. Biologists around the globe are have learned that by using stealth scouting camera they are able to determine how animals live and what they are actually doing at anytime during the year. Images of individuals captured provide factual data and can take the guess work out of the equation.
  • The hunter can have year round fun using a stealth scouting camera. It can even be a family affair, especially involving youngsters to get them introduced to the great outdoors. Just to be able to capture nature with a scouting camera is very enjoyable and best of all; you can share the results of your efforts with everyone. The deer hunter may wish to keep their hot spot a total secret. Scouting camera photo contests are appearing all over, and anyone with a scouting camera has a chance to win because most contests will look for an interesting image in addition to a large racked buck.
  • There are many more things a scouting camera can be used for than just hunting. They can be used for surveillance, general wildlife photography, and random image capturing at a family gathering or party. In fact, most scouting camera owners are using their units all year long.
  • Thanks to modern digital camera technology, it hardly cost a thing to operate a digital scouting camera after the initial purchase of the unit.  
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